Now what?
It is the day after Easter, a time spent celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. Now, what do we do with that knowledge? Do we put Jesus back on the cross until next year? Do we pack Him back in the tomb to be brought out again next year like Easter baskets and plastic eggs?
Do we get comfortable with smaller crowds, fewer people in the pews, and return to watching services on TV? Do we stop sharing, “He is risen” on Facebook as if He was also not risen last week or next week? His resurrection changed all history, but did it change us?
How will you spread the news that new life is available to all? Not because we celebrated the resurrection yesterday, but because Jesus rose from the dead 2000 years ago and wants to spend all eternity with us.
Jesus no longer hangs on the Cross or lays in the Tomb. He is alive and well and expects us to be looking to the clouds for His return, not simply reflecting on the past. When Jesus rose from the dead, no one was there expecting His return. Instead, a few women were there to tend to His dead body.
Let us be found looking for His return!
Luke 21:28 “… lift up your heads for your redemption is near!”
Remind someone today, “He has risen, and He is returning!”
God loves you and so do I.
Pastor Billy Tingle