Day 2 of 500…….

Day 2 of 500!!


You know how the day will be when you jump out of bed to post the 2nd day of your new blog and suddenly realize your first post isn’t showing up on the web.

Don’t let day 2 break you.  Studies show that most people drop their new year’s resolutions on day 3.   I would have thought day 10, 15, maybe even 21.  No, day 3.  How sad.  But that is not you and I.

We will look at a different “F” each day.  Remember a few, but not all “F”s include:  “F”aith, “F”ood, “F”itness, “F”inanaces, “F”riends and “F”amily.

Today we will look at Faith.  To me, that includes faith in God, but to you, it may be something different.  We can walk this path together regardless of our beliefs.

The apostle Paul defined faith this way, “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” (Hebrews 11:1)  Webster’s Dictionary defines it as, “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.”  It is a firm foundation in a world of uncertainty.  We must have a platform from which to launch, regardless of our endeavors.   It must have proved itself reliable in the past.

John Maxwell says that the key to “Effective Faith” is “Faith in God, faith in ourselves and faith in others.”  He expounds on that here, in a short one minute video.

As you move forward, find your faithful foundation.  The one thing that will not move although the world around you shakes.  It may be God, or a spouse, a close friend, etc.  Identify who that is and remind yourself of instances in the past where they were there for you.  I promise you they will be again and you WILL need them in the days ahead.  Let them know that you value what they have done for you and let them know to be prepared for your cry of “HELP” to come.   King David called God, “a helper who is always found in times of trouble.” (Psalms 46:1.)   Do you have someone you can say that about?  If not, begin to seek someone to fill that need.  If you have someone give thanks!

As always, you can look to those here on this blog.  We are more than willing to offer encouragement, prayer, support or even just a compassionate ear.

God bless you on this journey.
